陸威年 設計師
玄關向前望,窗外的陽台景色與大型植栽即是一抹風景,猶如待客之禮;靜謐 沉穩的木質,印上絲綢透出的柔和天光,與窗外景緻相得益彰。天花、櫃身的金屬光澤在公區中倒映流動,鏡面湖水加深每一隅的連結,同時牽動你我之間,卻不失 各自獨立的領域。
主人房的更衣間猶如主臥與浴室之間 溫文莊重的端景,每道電動門扇也使動線上流暢,輕巧而不打擾臥室沉睡中的伴侶,並形成通往下一空間的儀式感。
浸浴 / 步入浴池是洗脫疲頓的最後一站,猶如私人露天溫泉,椅靠在窗前仰望夜色,洗脫一身疲頓,享受家中帶來的溫暖舒心。
Like a breeze sweeping through the prairie, this home is washed over by soothing runes - comforting yet captivating.
Tranquility - as ceiling and metallic sheens respectfully reflective upon each other like sky and stirred water.
Either enjoying wine and meals at the island or Submerging yourself into the softness of the sofa, the see-through fireplace warms the entire place (body and soul) up.
Brown palette merges seamlessly with coastal calmess casted by the moon.
The gracefully motorized screen whether ascended or descended, with the priceless views behind, views are appreciated either way.
The master walk-in-closet is like the owners’ last sacred land reserved for pensiveness; the electric sliding doors filters out all the unwanted statics behind.
Inspired by wabi-sabi, this immersion pool is the ultimate meditation spot. It is outlined by dark and gravitating stones, in hopes to embrace and cleanse, leaving the owners fully recharged.